Ultimate Character Education Network
Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.
The Gift, Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 2, 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want opportunities, choices and engagement.
See also http://www.usavaluescoupons.com
December 07, 2009
Personal Card Regarding Opt Outs
Removal with this personal touch,
I know from your signature or your website that you are effective and therefore interested in the education, economic, emotional, and ethical gap. The gap is expensive, un-American and detracts from opportunity and growth. We are creating a company (an LLC) owned by Veterans to be substantially staffed by disabled veterans. They will use the 911 commission report as their justification for promoting an agenda of opportunity in the USA that requires early reading skills delivered before kindergarten to at-risk children based on recent science.
The 911 Commission Report of Effective Citizens says“literacy is freedom”-page 377. Page 379- “A comprehensive US strategy to counter terrorism … opportunities for people… to enhance prospects for their children's future". USA VALUES, LLC would add, certainly, that also applies at home, and starts with early reading skills for each and every child in the USA.
Our nation has
ordered our veterans, as soldiers, to rebuild nations and communities rather than take land and spoils for the last 100 years of international engagement. They contributed to the confident, growing multinational growth markets in the name of world prosperity, security and freedom.
The new money to deliver these skills exists when 100% of the children are literacy and character ready when they start kindergarten. We cannot afford to lose any possible executive citizen interest in doing first -things -first -right -the -first -time. So tell me why you are not interested? Being effective includes picking the right next bottleneck for capacity creation, in the factory, in the office in the company, and on the street and in the nation.
The cover of this card might also say Early Reading Skills Delivered – Ringing Advantages!
Finally, we will certainly honor your request that your email address be removed from our list and we wish you the best.
Tom Wolfgram (tomwolfgram@usavalues-character.com)
Second letter in email campaign
From: Firststep [mailto:Firststep@usavalues-character.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 3:42 PM
Subject: FW: Connected
Dear Effective Citizen,
Please place this into the hands of the CEO or Leader.
I have, over the last 13 years, created a corporation that will honor our veterans with a new industry and create tremendous new value added for the 21st century. Bottom line, PLEASE TALK ABOUT THIS.
• Let’s vision ourselves working toward no brain capacity waste and excessive profits. Because we do first-things-first-right-the-first-time like Steven Covey and Philip Crosby suggest.
• Can you vision the local growth using the improving brain capacity of the everyday citizen? Which 21st century company in the nation does not want a part of this?
We explain this as a no increase in taxes plan. All elements of the plan have been demonstrated. Let me help you get up to speed.
For business and industry, all the science, research and ROI’s are adequate to trigger the interest of private equity and the ROI on the science has started. This is a for profit discussion.
For Government and schools, the concepts are still being studied.
For Taxpayers, the application to public spending with a ROI is long overdue.
The veteran can be made into the local lynchpin that brings it together.
Please email me so we can meet. This will not be a waste of your time or corporate for-profit resources. Please, personally act on this today.
Best regards, Tom
Thomas Wolfgram
-President- USA VALUES, LLC
PS. Ask how this page shows USA VALUES closing in on a new industry
December 01, 2009
First letter in email campaign
November 25,2009
Dear Effective Citizen,
Please place this into the hands of the CEO or Leader.
I have, over the last 13 years, created a corporation that will honor our veterans with a new industry and create tremendous new value added for the 21st century. Bottom line, PLEASE TALK ABOUT THIS.
Did you know that we knowingly treat the Brain Capacity Development of those who will start walking the streets of our city and county four years from now like strawberries delayed in the mixing of ice cream. A tenth, quarter, half or even 60% will be culled, picked over and fully or partially wasted because of the delay. This vision is ugly, expensive and routinely what we do to ourselves. Many Mom’s don’t know how to stop the waste; Some of the Mom’s won’t ask twice for the help; some don’t get it; it gets to be too late at age 6, because….
• Lets vision ourselves working toward no brain capacity waste and excessive profits. Because we do first-things-first-right-the-first-time like Steven Covey and Philip Crosby suggest.
Did you know that logically, based on demonstrated experience, we should expect extra increases in our combined real estate values (ice cream of a local operation) if we simply decided from this point forward that 100% of the children starting kindergarten will be ready to read, count and understand positive direction. Not easy, but worth the effort. The increases would come to our small business, merchants and service providers first -- as we tell the nation we have something special for the 21st century economy.
• Can you vision the local growth using the improving brain capacity of the everyday citizen? Which 21st century company in the nation does not want a part of this.
We explain this as a no increase in taxes plan. All elements of the plan have been demonstrated. Let me help you get up to speed.
For business and industry, all the science, research and ROI’s are adequate to trigger the interest of private equity and the ROI on the science has started. This is a for profit discussion.
For Government and schools the concepts are still being studied.
For Taxpayers the application to public spending with a ROI is long overdue.
The veteran can be made into the local lynchpin that brings it together.
Please email me so we can meet. This will not be a waste of your time or corporate for-profit resources. Please, personally act on this today.
Best regards, Tom
Thomas Wolfgram
-President- USA VALUES, LLC
PS. Ask how this page shows USA VALUES closing in on a new industry
January 2005
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