Ultimate Character Education Network
Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.
The Gift, Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 2, 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want opportunities, choices and engagement.
See also http://www.usavaluescoupons.com
October 15, 2007
What we could have in Northern Dakota County, Minnesota
If kindergarten Teachers would ask the community to deliver 100% of the children to Kindergarten Ready to Read, What would happen to the children and the school's performance?
One would call this a real gift. A most critical Gift. Even maybe a Miracle.
The Critical Early Reading Gift is: The Delivery to age 3-6 children at-risk A One Size Fits One Gift Process
Twice blessed when 100% is the focus
Every community is different; except the process tasks and required resources are the same.
Ten things an effective citizen will do to unfold the power of the gift.
1. Work on first things first
2. Work with the truth, see 100 words of purpose
3. Focus WITH those really vested
4. Start with those most in need for the highest and fastest return
5. Engage resources that are now available
6. Do it now
7. Give it forward, because somebody asked
8. 17% ROI or 6% ROI, It is good enough to start
9. Trigger the big dollars in the system
10. See a multi-point preliminary plan to deliver at
SIMPLY! -Effective Citizens will feel good delivering 100% when it is defined as a gift
· It is not legalistic to deliver a gift.
· It is not legalistic to define at-risk or 100% for this gift.
· It is not legalistic to define High Quality for this gift.
There are no excuses because there are no limits to “powerful collaborations”!
It is a low risk gift/investment with a 17% ROI. There are no better choices and public money will not start to be used without private money leadership.
October 06, 2007
A Decade Old Thought, by USA VALUES, Inc.
It became obvious from talking to kindergarten teachers that Early Reading Skills is one of the first required assets that the Most At-Risk need in the process of eliminating the achievement gap. And, science tells us the most sensistive time for learning this is age 3-6. The cost to deliver this at that age is the lowest cost society will ever have to impart this learning. At that age it is a home and community thing so budgets are much more than just the schools. Any wonder the gap so wide?
The Second Public Service Message
This was sent to 30,000 households via a flyer in Money Mailer
Support for the Public Service Message
October 05, 2007
Today's Children Tomorrow's Future-- Give it Forward Published Details
October 04, 2007
A Public Private Business Partnership Effort
USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-0769
7879 Somerset Court Fax 507-452-2202
Woodbury, MN 55125 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
USA VALUES, Inc. is a start-up advertising, promotion, and sponsorship company building the “Early Reading Skills Delivered --Ringing Advantages” brand. It provides “free” communication services (on the back of local advertising dollars) for programs and providers of early reading skills and character education.
• Builds direct traffic for high value retailers
• Builds community awareness and purpose
• Points high value neighborhoods to the purpose via the gift exchange where new money funds new deliveries to 100% of age 3-6 children
• It promotes everyone’s plug in via the B-Up Flyer.
• Sets up the question of: If not you, Who? When?
USA VALUES-CDP serves the community as a gift exchange working exclusively with projects, materials and programs that help providers and teachers deliver Early Reading Skills to 100% of the age 3-6 children.
• It provides materials that help citizens deliver early reading skills
• It provides materials and stories for opportunity promoting character education in all settings at home and all preschool and elementary levels.
• The focus is on new money, for new delivery, by the established providers in any community.
• Sets up the question of: If not you, Who? When?
More is located at;
October 03, 2007
First Public Service Message
Thgis flyer was sent to 30000 homes in Northern Dakota County, Minnesota
The Case to Focus on Apartments to Deliver Early Reading Skills
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
The Case for Apartment Early Reading
Skills Delivery Focus
See the attached case discussion of why Early Reading Skills delivered is important to Business. We have short cut the definition of high quality Pre-K used in that presentation to Early Reading Skills (ERS) Delivered. This provides simplicity and a clear focus on first-things-first. The objective is to marry the interest of the apartment owners with the interest of delivering ERS because the value of the community is grounded in the value of the real estate used or avoided.
• Apartments could be the frontier for the delivery of ERS
• An Education focus drives property values; this is given
• Apartments are important in finding 100% of the at-risk age 3-6 children
• Working with the at-risk is working with the most significant trigger to grow value
o This holds for the nation, state, county, city workforce development/readiness
o Brain development forces us to do this ethically at age 3-6.
o This is not new! It is now more important because shortages are predicted
o Shortages always produce values, but where will the values grow?
In the pocket of the speculator?
In the pocket of those with real assets and attributes?
The at-risk expect they will be exploited so a one-on-one giving of a true gift is the only process that will create value and asset building. The infusion of value (delivered Pre-K Early Reading Skills) specifically will increase the value of the property in close proximity. The same way the value is diminished with lack of actionable opportunity. Early Reading Skills delivered are actionable opportunities delivered.
We can prove that an apartment building full of mothers and caregivers focused on early reading skills delivery to all age 3-6 children will create better economics for the owner and inhabitants of the apartments. Society, the mothers, the children, the owners with this focus generate the following benefits:
• Higher demand for the space, attracting more ability to pay
• Higher morale, peace, joy and hope; with less vandalism and bullish behavior
• Higher retention and lower cost of turnover, vacancy and advertising
• Higher productivity because of the knowledge base with fewer complaints
• Higher productivity because of the focused personal work effort taking place
• Higher productivity because actionable opportunity becomes real possibility one-size-fits-one
If disadvantaged mothers knew the key to opportunity is simple early reading skills delivered; would they desire this, above all other choices, for their children? The more one is disadvantaged the more potential opportunity exists from these simple measures. Apartments are places to deliver the simple; on a no harm basis through adult mentors of the child with mothers watching the delivery, and reinforcing during the week.
100% ready-to-read starting kindergarten resets the possibilities of the public schools and this is a community thing that has waited in line for the economics of shortage to make it smart to be ethical. More importantly, effective citizens, business and everyone in a community with a future has a pay now or pay more later proposition/opportunity that is grounded in the value of the real estate used or avoided.
Tom Wolfgram
October 02, 2007
Letter to Business Executives
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 651-735-3018
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street www.usavalues-character.org
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
March 9, 2007
Business Executives in Dakota County:
An Important Educational Issue for BusinessAn achievement gap is created by a lack of GIVING Early Reading Skills (ERS) to age 3-6 children as well as the attention to civility and grace. You can be positively supportive of all education as they recover many children who arrive at kindergarten without the gift of reading skills. Education science explains this giving as critical nutrition at age 3-6 to maintain this sensitive development of the child’s brain. Language acquisition is more difficult after age 6. Some children get the early gift and some do not. Systemically missing the gift is a high cost generator. Deep smarts tells us age 3-6 is the best place to deliver 100% GIVING. Help society’s ROI explode with 100% delivery by age 6.
Attached is one public service announcement. Other letters to editors of our local papers can be viewed and commented on at; http://chardevelactivity.blogspot.com/ . The key words are; Philanthropy, Fairness, Accountability, Effectiveness, ROI, FAST, Designated Giving, Deep Smarts, Literacy as Democracy and Freedom, Continuous Improvement, Quality and Capitalism, Growth Forces. Please help us with the following in Dakota County:
1. Makes sure each of your employees understands how important ERS is to their children and the children they go to school with. Call me I will help you do this. Cell 612-968-1579.
2. Ask your employees to contact their school, teachers and child care providers to be certain they are opted-in for the designated gifts possible.
3. Please lead by giving a gift of new money for new deliveries of ERS and Character Education. Delivering ERS is just not being done enough with a focus on 100% of the children as I will explain, in the next year.
This should be fun, not a chore because giving is the start of all growth. This outcome will only happen with new money given closest to the source.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
This letter is sponsored by:
USA VALUES, Inc. (763-550-0769) tomwolfgram@usavalues-character.com
PS. Your business is interested in this delivery!
Want to do good and what is best for the child,
Want any gap created in the lives of 3-6 year old children removed
Want to know government and schools have a focus on 100% of the kids
Want to see improvement and teamwork
Want accountability before the money flows
(Philanthropy) (Fairness) (Accountability) (Effectiveness) (Continuous Improvement)Know that gifts closest to the source are the most effective
Know that gifts are twice blessed and taxes are not
Want safety, security, and opportunity to rule the day and night
(Designated Gifts) (Deep Smarts)
(Literacy as Democracy and Freedom)Want sustainable economic efforts that pay for themselves whenever possible
Want to see the start of ROI quickly
(ROI) (Win-Win, FAST-ASAP)Know the gap is now exposed and new money for age 3-6 delivery is required.
All Children will be needed in the future to continue our growth.
Would like to see failures rewarded by the need to change, at the delivery levels
Know that education drives property and other values
Know the state of our community has caused a pay now or pay later surety.
(Quality and Capitalism) (Deep Smarts) (Growth Force)CONSIDER THIS!HELP SUSTAIN THE MESSAGE WITH THE DOLLARS
ALREADY IN YOUR BUDGET.Consumers will remember Your Brand when you
support a social responsibility and cause.
Join the advertisers who sponsor this Public Service Message
(PSM) to at least 31,000 households (and expanding) in
Northern Dakota County. This PSM, like Your Brand must be continuously presented to be effective. Let us work together.
Your message presented in this expanding
2, 4, 6 then 8 page FLYER gives
the PSM and the Public Charity -USA VALUES-CDP
a free ride into the minds of the consumer.
Your support differentiates you.
This makes you part of THE ACTION, matching
new designated money for Early Reading Skills
with the new expanded deliveries to
age 3-6 at-risk children.
Call Tom Wolfgram for your inclusion in the next flyer. 612-968-1579
Start Now!
October 01, 2007
Letter to Educators in Dakota County
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 651-375-3018
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street www.usavalues-character.org
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
March 9, 2007
Educators in Dakota County: Thank you in advance for reading this introduction. This website provides tools to help deliver 100% of the children ready to read starting in kindergarten. The idea is to raise designated new money for many new deliveries of the early reading skill gift on this website for you and yours.
New Money – New Deliveries are the key words for education. We are asking business to start giving new money for new deliveries. The letter we are using has been attached FYI. The community must deliver 100% of the children ready to read as they start kindergarten to set up the next investments for growth. It will require the leadership from those who have the money. We ask you to:
1. Opt in for a gift at http://www.usavalues-character.org/ This site creates new money for the delivery of Early Reading Skills (ERS) as you position the need with the parents. In your positioning, you may also fund your character education program to the extent it is based on messages, stories and literature. Or, just take what is on the site for your use with other programs. Early reading skills and character education are both personal and important.
2. Raise awareness of your parents who have younger children to be certain they care about ERS for their child, and importantly, the children they will go to school with.
a. We have a fund raising kit that highlights this awareness
b. We have fun and respectful materials to prompt the discussion and the money
c. We have a reading kit built from the Montessori Method designed for one-on-one delivery in the home by parents, adults, and others
d. We help you have parties that focus on new money for ERS and Character
e. We have economic activity to fund raise for school groups (grades 8-12) under proper supervision
This should be fun, not a chore because giving is the start of all growth. This outcome will only happen with new deliveries to the most at-risk.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
This letter is sponsored by:
USA VALUES, Inc. (763-550-0769) tomwolfgram@usavalues-character.com (a communications company)
Start with an end in mindThank you for continuing to read this letter. I have attached a public service announcement made to 31,000 households in late January, and the letter sent to 1000+ businesses, all in Northern Dakota County. You will see That CDP is supportive of K-12 education believing the gap in achievement is actually created by a lack of giving Early Reading Skills to age 3-6 children; along with the attention to civility grace and opportunity. Other letters to editors of our local papers can be viewed and commented on at; http://chardevelactivity.blogspot.com/ .
It is a startIt is wonderful that society now delivers half of the children ready to read or already reading in kindergarten because of the gift given to each by an adult. That has raised the standard. We now must give the individual gift to 100% of the children if we expect 100% engagement and proficiency in elementary school.
We wish to provide the tools without reference to present segmentations of teaching, providing tools for adults delivering the gift so 100% of the children can't miss the road to success. We do not wish to separate the child from their significant adult so a one on two mentor role is in order that focuses on the child’s language acquisition. In many cases a full mentor is not needed. Principals and teachers have told us that we can help the most by equalizing the learning skills of the children who start school.
Ironically, this is likely the public schools most often requested, most reliable, most demonstrated solution to accountability. When 100% of the children have near equal exposure to language acquisition and learning through age 6; the schools work with less difference from the norm; and children have “equal” starts. Parents must be further supported in delivering ready to read children.
No conclusion until 100% “equal” starts are delivered each year without intervention MAKE SURE THE RIGHT PROCESSES ARE BEING COMPLETED ON A FIRST THINGS FIRST BASIS. RIGHT THE FIRST TIME TO MAKE QUALITY FREE. Taxpayers would like to think it would just get done. Between government and schools they want to see the new money to do it. But, 50% of the population already deliver the gift because it is natural and important to the child’s success. Segments oppose each other without regard to the child’s success. Now it is clear, it is important to society’s success; this site accommodates the payer and delivery without reference to segments. Leadership always finds a way to make priority the focus. This site keeps the priority flexible and deliverable for the effective citizen leadership, one-size-fit-one. .
ALSO!This is a development to deliver the Ultimate Character of the Community.
The unique definition of how to position your program as close as possible to
one-size-fits-one Early Reading Skill (ERS) Delivery is Your Opportunity.
We welcome Your Program expansion, in any form,
covering age 3-6 children reading skills.
This is very important, so please take an
important position with your development and challenge.
Each program leader is uniquely gifted to define what more can be done. USA VALUES-CDP can offer the store, shopping cart, and the gift certificate for public charity support.
A related communications company offers free Language Translations Sticker Sheets
to jumpstart the interest in the Public Service Message
The notification to the public of all your programs
designed to actually deliver the ERS skills is part of the
monthly Public Service Message as it expands
In our opinion every program that touches age 3 to grade 3 children
should include this Public Service Message, more delivery of ERS,
and any supporting materials needed by adults and teachers.
The whole idea is to deliver 100% of the children to kindergarten ready to read as defined by the public schools. A solid truthful new start gives parents, adult volunteers, childcare workers and teachers self correcting, language respecting, courtesy supporting fun materials.
The added sense of urgency about the
Age 3-6 Sensitive Period to Learning Language Skills
can help close in on 100% delivery in the urban community.
Call Tom Wolfgram for your program’s inclusion in the next flyer-- 612-968-1579
Tom Wolfgram will explain how to use the new tools on the
USA VALUES-CDP website. Make a phone call appointment, if required.
Start Now!
Expand your present ERS Delivery Programs with one-size-fits-one delivery
New monies are there for the asking.
January 2005
May 2005
September 2007
October 2007
February 2008
September 2008
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August 2013
September 2013