Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.
The Gift, Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 2, 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want opportunities, choices and engagement.
If kindergarten Teachers would ask the community to deliver 100% of the children to Kindergarten Ready to Read, What would happen to the children and the school's performance?
One would call this a real gift. A most critical Gift. Even maybe a Miracle.
The Critical Early Reading Gift is: The Delivery to age 3-6 children at-risk A One Size Fits One Gift Process
Twice blessed when 100% is the focus
Every community is different; except the process tasks and required resources are the same.
Ten things an effective citizen will do to unfold the power of the gift.
1. Work on first things first
2. Work with the truth, see 100 words of purpose
3. Focus WITH those really vested
4. Start with those most in need for the highest and fastest return
5. Engage resources that are now available
6. Do it now
7. Give it forward, because somebody asked
8. 17% ROI or 6% ROI, It is good enough to start
9. Trigger the big dollars in the system
10. See a multi-point preliminary plan to deliver at
SIMPLY! -Effective Citizens will feel good delivering 100% when it is defined as a gift
· It is not legalistic to deliver a gift.
· It is not legalistic to define at-risk or 100% for this gift.
· It is not legalistic to define High Quality for this gift.
There are no excuses because there are no limits to “powerful collaborations”!
It is a low risk gift/investment with a 17% ROI. There are no better choices and public money will not start to be used without private money leadership.