Ultimate Character Education Network

Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten. The Gift, Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 2, 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want opportunities, choices and engagement.

See also http://www.usavaluescoupons.com

January 05, 2005


Business Plan

Update in 2007

This document serves for a orderly statement of what could be done with federal and State Education Innovation monies that are available. This logically requires a very broad based community and way more traction than USA VALUES-CDP can deliver. So it stands as an option for the future but not an option for us today. Many of its parts are relevant to creating and enhansing anything that is established.

This plan has merit in the government's processing of "2/3rds of the total cost to reach the most at-risk children with ready to read skills delivery" to be completed county by county when that time comes.

USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street Twin Cities phone 763-550-0769
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)

Introduction of a Business Plan Model

The grant competition under section 305(e) for Education Finance, Leadership and Management within the Institute of Education Sciences serves as the basic outline of this business plan.
This competition document was used as an outline because it provided a clear definition. This definition will likely be used by a university, A regional education cooperative and school districts under Title V sections 5411 of the NCLB act which calls for an unsolicited request because it is so innovative. Note also that sections 5541, 5542, and 5561 call for grants that respectively cover integration into the schools of social mental health, School readiness, and assistence to parents. My visit to the Federal Department of Innovation in the Spring of 2003 at the direction of my congressman, with the Retired Executive Director of the Minnesota Elementary Schools Principal's Association clearly indicted we were innovative and the key to getting unsolicited grants was having many effective citizens engaged along with a substantial territory.

Developing the Early Reading Power Within Us
(The purpose of the development is to
intervene to improve the learning environment and
increase student achievement)

I. Contribution of Project to Solving an Education Problem

The problem
Public elementary schools are not encouraged/supported by effective citizens to do first things first in the “new no left behind education” of at-risk children. The concept that we can actually not leave anyone behind is seen by many to be impossible. Practices, generally create many inequities and many poor children are underserved before they or their parents know it. Others do not and never will have parents serving them. Schools recover many who have been left behind at age 6, but not even close to 100%.

Quality (100% proficient in the third grade test) is free if first-things-first are completed right the first time. This is not honored as a quality, continuous improvement and cost reduction principle in public education. There is no fault to be assigned to this, it is a gap issue, a risky road to be traveled, as hands are tied, money is constrained, and public education goes for the “most” result within the most funding without being prone to innovation. Only recently has equal opportunity to learn started to replace the call for equal access.

Principals do not network the early education resources. This is very innovative thinking for public education. Present developments without a focus on 100% of the children and the network to deliver early reading skills is ultimately a waste because early reading skills changes the process and outcomes dramatically.
A Regional University or Regional Education
Cooperative Early Literacy Collaborative, and
the Ultimate Character Network

The Truth Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten.
The Gift Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the bottom half of the bottom half (poorest of the poor) to want the opportunities, choices and engagement.
The Focus When 100% of the children start kindergarten ready to read English the urban school has the resources to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of No Child Left Behind.
COLLABORATIVE: A Regional University, schools, and the community will collaborate to mobilize effective citizens, community services, churches, and businesses toward meeting the goal. The collaborative will offer the opportunities for committed citizens to invest time, dollars, and/or moral support for these “one size fits one” initiatives to give the gift of early literacy.

A Continually broadcast all sides of the requirement to the effective citizen base
B. Positive expectations from principals, clergy and effective citizens
C. Positive expectations from the separation of church and state
D. Power and Money matters
E. The ROI
F. Innovation
G. Clarity of purpose from the powerful effective citizen

The university or regional education center creates a special purpose magazine publication to explain quality is free in a first-things-first process. This is totally related to the 100 words they decide to use to facilitate the changes in the school communities. The special publication is annual but supported by web site communications and sub-publications of local press releases, promotions and postcard messages. It is possible to start a regional program without the special purpose magazine with extensive use of sponsored combo-paks postcard messaging to effective citizens. A web site is supported and traffic is driven with the combo-pak mailing. The purposes of the publication are consumer education, and promotion of the organizations and effective citizens that are doing first-things-first. This publication is sold to effective citizens and raises money for the purpose. It contains advertising for the organizations that are doing first-things-first, sponsored by effective citizens who see the light (businesses and individuals). This magazine and or combo pak communication ties the effective citizen into providing equity for the program that perpetually refocuses the schools and community. The magazine is initially published with the over and above effort so the funding gets to its intended purpose. The money raised is used to lead the street level action.

Street level resources deliver early reading skills so the community can expect that 100% of the children will test at least proficient in reading skills during third grade. And, a return on investment should be expect from these efforts. This is a massive change using society’s combined base knowledge in the collaborative.

An investor might be required for each public school to help the principal execute the change. A monetary investment will be required for each school in order to ask for school change money that is supported by federal funding.

II. The following Theoretical Foundation and Prior Empirical
Evidence supports the Development of this
Project. It is focused on Goal 2
Background—The Institute of Education Sciences has four goals; (1) to identify promising systemic finance, leadership, and management practices for improving the teaching and learning environment and thereby increasing student learning; (2) to develop new systemic finance, leadership, and management strategies; (3) to evaluate the efficacy of systemic strategies; and (4) to develop and test cost accounting tools and measurement systems that will enable education administrators to link student-level resources to student-level achievement data.

Goal 2 Introduction
The major components of this proposed change have already been developed and proven effective. When children are ready to read starting in kindergarten they are very likely to be proficient or better in the 3rd grade testing. When the community intervention generates a starting kindergarten class that is 100% ready to read it is logical that resources adequate to bring children from behind up to proficient in grades K-3 will be adequate to keep them proficient or even ahead of proficient.

This project has very practical implications as studied by the Federal Reserve and Fight Crime Invest in Kids. It would represent a significant innovation to the system of urban public education because it uses available resources sooner in the life of the child. It will provide sufficient scope, evidence and intensity of change that it is likely to affect, the way in which a district operates and includes the community, improves the learning environment at the school-level and reconciles the student achievement to the sequence of English Language Learning proven by science to be most effective.

We provide a strong rationale for the proposed intervention, our evidence of intervention is simple; the child will enter kindergarten with a record of the sounds they recognize, the sounds they can write, the three letter words they can read, and the 2,000 to 5,000 English words they recognize when spoken. This entry record can be studied/used in connection with the 3rd grade testing already in the school system. Not all children will have this intervention record. Those not proficient in the 3rd grade test will be studied as to the reason the early intervention opportunity was not adequate or used. This data will be used in decision for future early intervention. This is adequate operational outcome data indicating that exposure to the intervention is correlated with improvements expected in the learning environment and student performance. Such data, will help principals and teachers and the Early Reading Collaborator refine the interventions and provide insight into why an intervention does or does not work, and is or is not well done.

Just like children burst into reading with proper attention, we expect schools will burst into proficiency. The Project will keep in mind that the Institution of Education Sciences Development Goal is to provide funds to develop interventions that on the basis of the theoretical rationale and relevant empirical evidence appear to have the potential to increase student achievement. The schools will collect the preliminary data that matches the decision to intervene with the record of intervention and the 3rd grade proficiency result. A reasonable evaluation will be made by school operations and the data will be available for further study.

In this case the business plan development is to pull it all together in a cost effective program that can be assuredly implemented by the most interested effective citizens and school administrators dealing with the poorest of the poor. This will demonstrate public K-6 education at the next level of effectiveness where equal access is matched by equal opportunity to learn.

IIA. The creation of this school change business plan includes substantial reference to the following expert points designed to add base societal knowledge already proven and accepted to urban public and charter elementary schools:
1. Points
The importance of the language sensitive period, and the loss of it. (p135, 136 )
The period to start with language development is as soon as possible (p120)
The period to learn writing is 31/2 to 41/2 (p137, 138)
Reading single words can starts after 3-6 months of writing (p49,50)
Maria Montessori-Her Life Work, by E.M. Standing
2. Points
Writing and Reading, and the materials to assist the child (p120-137)
Primacy of the child’s individual needs (whole book)
Montessori-A Modern Approach, by Paula Polk Lillard
3. Points
Background, discipline of the teacher and the teacher’s preparation (whole book, p263-286)Focus on the child as the common source of societal love (p287)
The Absorbent Mind, by Maria Montessori
4. Points
Opportunity to learn has the strongest relationship with student achievement of all the factors (p22)
High Expectations of students has been one of the most consistent findings in the literature…that defines the characteristics of the most effective schools. ( P36 quoting other educators)
What Works in Schools, by Robert J. Marzano
5. Points
Separation, under the establishment clause, when the school ASKS for community effort is simple when presented clearly (p37)
There are no significant separations of church and state issues when the request of the community is viewed as age 3-6 societal imperative and starts with a request of both secular and all religious establishments. (p58)
The First Amendment in Schools, by Charles C Haynes, Sam Chaltain, and others
6. Points
Christians are on earth to give meaningful gifts to the poor as they work out their individual faith.
Christians expect to be seen as different from non-Christians, so they relish the separation.
The Bible, Galatians 5: 22 to 26, and Romans 12, leading into Romans 13:8 to10, by St. Paul
7. Points
The power of love can not be registered within the laws and rewards of man (p189-192)
“We can do no great things; only small things with great love” Mother Teresa (p192)
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, by Robert Fulghum
Zero defects, No tradeoffs, Requirements, Make certain, Browser guide (p241-264)
Quality Is Free, by Philip B. Crosby
9. Points
Quality, productivity, lower costs, capture the market (p1)
Common causes, special causes, stable system, cost of variation, management (p309)
Out of the Crisis, by W. Edward Deming
10. Points
Total cost of the process is driven by quality through the bottleneck constraint
Must get quality right the first time in front of the bottleneck constraint or you are wasting the most critical resources
Then manage changing bottlenecks, to manage the costs. There is no ending.
Tom Wolfgram points out that principals must receive help because they are one of the bottlenecks driving cost.
The Goal, by Eli M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox (the whole book)
11. Points
Three of the seven habits are; to be proactive, to have an end in mind, and do first things first. (p65-145)
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and others, by Steven R. Covey
12. Points
Let customers set the pace or go out of business
Relationships are build on trust, one at a time, one-size-fits-one
One Size Fits One, by Gary Heil, Tom Parker and Deborah C. Stephens (the whole book)
13. Points
Financial resource is only one of several that define poverty
Know that not everyone speaks the opportunity and success language
Start early, and provide a bridge, hold hands crossing the street.
A Framework for Understanding Poverty, by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D
(the whole book)
14. Points
The principal can make the difference and generally the differences are one-size-fits-one
Give the principals the help, because management is one of the bottlenecks
If it takes double, it is still well spent money to remove the excuses
No Excuses, Samuel Casey Carter (whole book)
15. Points
Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive and much, much more.
Bringing Out the Best in People, Aubrey Daniels (whole book)
Efforts need a focal point, and then many effective citizens
Creating a School Community, by Eric Schaps (whole book)
17. Many Other Points
The backgrounds and discussions within the following books are ever present in this school change process. These books are considered statements and examples of truths- Welcomed and Not Welcomed. They are not considered instructional but rather foundational. Several of them are fictional to present the points most effectively.
Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong, William Kilpatrick
The Best of Success, Wynn Davis
Teaching Your Children Values, Richard and Lynda Eyre
Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
Restoring the Good Society, Don E. Eberly
Within Our Reach--Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage, Lisbeth B. Schorr
Tyranny of Kindness, Theresa Funiciello
The Book of Virtues and others, William J. Bennett
Dominion, Randy Alcorn

IIB. An intervention is proposed using the following and related materials:
The first 100 words on page 2 of this plan clearly and concisely articulate why this proposed intervention, should be developed. Many present interventions developed can not be judged as a truly worthy permanent investments to improve the system because they simply do not do first things first. Correction, is always invested in the earlier processes that created the exception. Without this discernment, we are making investments in the errors and exceptions. Often, this is the result of poor management and poor collaboration. In our society there is no dispute that we suffer from poor collaboration between poor families and elementary schools relative to age 3 to 6 child development. In many cases the public schools are not in touch with the child until they have already been left behind.
1. Points
There are people in this world who must give because Jesus was given to them. Their faith and justification in God’s gift, calls them.
This individual gift to a child can be positioned to be life saving on several levels. Schools see them as societal imperatives- ethical, moral, and civil.
Principals can look to the community as giving them purpose in life. They should be able to ask for “real” help to link them to the required resources.
Communities are already purposed with the love of children.
The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren (whole book)
The Bible, Galatians 5: 22 to 26; and Romans 12, leading into Romans 13:8 to10, by St. Paul
2. Points
The following books demystify the teaching of early language and reading. They point to the delivery on an individual basis to children between the ages of 3-6. When this gift is given one size fits one the child has been protected from falling behind without a chance of recovery.
Why Our Children Can’t Read and what we can do about it, by Diane McGuinness, PH.D.
Montessori Read and Write parents guide to literacy for children, by Lynne Lawrence
A Path for the Exploration of any Language Leading to Writing and Reading, As a Part of the Total Montessori Approach to the Development of Language, by Muriel I. Dwyer
Learning to Read is Child’s Play, By Mary Maunz, Celeste Mathews, PH.D., Randall C. Klein
Many other short books or discussions with work lists and checklists, including one prepared for the USA VALUES-CDP SCHOOL CHANGE METHOD from the Montessori Method of teaching the acts of listening, vocabulary, writing and reading to children before kindergarten.
3. Points
The LeapPad is a tremendous tool for the building of English vocabulary of understood words going into kindergarten, especially for Non-English families.
This set of tools looks like a “real” gift of shining plastic to the children. The emotional or intellectual portion of the gift is actually all important. The child must receive an individual delivery.
All Around Me, LeapPad ( Vocabulary Accumulations Activity Only), by Leapfrog SchoolHouse Manual
4. Points
The collaboration between the school and the faith base and other children organizations is simply a matter of doing it, staying with it, with an open mind to continuous improvement based on the requirements of the community.
The GE Work-Out, by Dave Ulrich, Steve Kerr, and Ron Ashkenas with Debbie Burke and Patrice Murphy
5. Points
· Cost reductions from doing first things first at levels close to 100% are clearly available to schools first and communities later.
· Principals will commit to leave no child behind based on a community commitment of 100% ready to read.
· Principals will lead the charge if they are given the effective assistance (manpower) they need to lead the school and clearly articulate the requirement.
The ABCs of ECD, December 2003 Federal Reserve Supplement, Art Rolnick and Rob Grunewald
Fight Crime Invest in Kids Web Site,
Summary of Meetings with Principals, Tom Wolfgram

IIC. Discussion of Actions around the the following subcategories of issues will highlight the possible process within the resources of each community. Quality is free and attitudes make the difference.

The definition of fully served is 100% of the children starting in kindergarten are ready-to-read. Ready-to-read is defined by every major school district. It needs to be broadcasted by effective citizens because the societal cost ramifications are not broadly understood. Taxpayers (business and individual) are now staying away from the public education process, looking for alternatives to a growing list of needs. Taxpayers and contributors will see the potential effectiveness of doing first-things-first in the public education sector and engage in accountable solutions, if asked by the principals who are now measured by NCLB.

This plan facilitates the special purpose consumer education to start the innovations that will truly no longer leave children behind. The issues are published and the communication paid for by the effective citizen in the region.
The Early Reading School Change Program is designed to actually innovate K-6 education in the process of giving the gift before kindergarten. It is best that an effective citizen makes this point via positive consumer education. Only the inside of the “box” will innovate public education, so the outside influence must proceed in step with truth, love, communication, positive positions, faith and hope.

A. Consumer education is required. The 100 word focus must develop.
Principals and teachers will be positioned as very important public servants by the community when their purpose is clearly merged with the focus of the effective citizen community.

It has become a moral and ethical imperative to not leave age 3-6 children behind before they even get to the K-6 public schools. It is only fair to the concept of equal opportunity and growth, because age 3-6 children never miss the gift of literacy on their own accord. It is only fair to help the principal meet the expectations of the community, because to do otherwise leaves them holding the neighborhood’s problems they did not create.

B. Principals are very talented highly paid public servants who already are in place for at-risk children. Achieving the 100% goal of ready-to-read in the gift-giving community triggers the growth (ROI), first in the schools and then in the community.
I. Agree on the first 100 words to get started.
II. Agree on the secular moral and ethical basis for messaging and one-on-one giving to 3-6 year old children. The purpose of the messaging is to be: 1) ready to read English, and 2) To present stories encouraging positive personal assets and attributes.
III. Form a group to support ten local school efforts of 100 children starting kindergarten in the neighborhoods.
IV. Publish a Special purpose magazine annually, Sell advertising and sell the magazine on the Internet to the effective citizens who must start the consumer education. This is to get the word out and build a consensus.

V. Establish bottom line permanent neighborhood communication to mothers and families about the importance of the gift.
VI. Prepare the discussion about separation of church and state and the importance of real freedom of speech and religion and guard the resources needed to be successful.
VII. Resource local principals to establish their bottoms up focus on the poorest of the poor age 3-6 children. Adequate materials and engaged citizens are needed to start this step.
1. Read One Size Fit One
2. Read GE Work Out
3. Read the messages of opportunity, achieve, happiness and share
4. Read the purpose driven life summary to a secular focus on the community
5. Engage pastors and citizens in the neighborhood via a simplified GE workout (low cost)
6. Engage the public relations professional (low cost)
7. Engage the activity based cost accountant (low cost)
8. Engage the part-time principal for 4 years (higher cost)
9. Engage the early literacy social worker (Early Reading Collaborator) (higher cost)
10. Publish a periodic newsletter supporting the regional magazine as a part of the local paper (low cost) and a local internet site.
11. Plan the costs of the Early Reading Teaching and Learning Activity from the school budget and the community budgets taking full advantage of Title I, II, III, IV, V. of NCLB Act, and all the other federal funds for child development. Start the one-on-one giving in the local community to the age 3-6 children.
a. Select materials for a three-prong attack to achieve 100% literacy coverage in the neighborhood. (See outline)
b. Execute to continuously improve the coverage of the poorest of the poor while strengthening the formal resources already in place.
i. Teach the volunteers to use materials with children (double-up on the children)
ii. Teach the social worker how to link the children to the school and the volunteers using technology as required.
c. Build on the execution of the formal resources already in place to reach 100% of the children based on the ROI expectation and the input of the activity cost advisor for each neighborhood.
After 4 years expect 100% of the children at the end of kindergarten to read at first to third grade levels. Change the expectation so this cumulative progress take over the achievement process defined by AYP in the elementary school; and free up resources to work with children earlier. Expect the children and school to burst into reading and learning proficiency.

VIII. We would suggest low cost processes (space, communication, human resources and knowledge) already exist to engage the effective citizen and others in this imperative. There are no reasons to wait. There are no significant separations of church and state issues when working together is viewed as a societal imperative to improve the opportunity for children. We Americans have opened our doors and wallets to the people of the world and created our catch 22 that goes along with our prosperity. Religious and other differences from our original mainstay will continue to change our culture under a basic protection of freedom of speech and religion. If America stands for anything to the world (with glory and blemish) it is that all men and women should have the same basic freedoms, opportunities and responsibilities to prosper. America has welcomed people of many languages looking for our basics. English literacy (writing, reading, speaking, listening, comprehension) is a proven limiting factor in achievement and engagement. Early childhood literacy is absolutely critical to the expectation that each will prosper. There is a return on investment from making this 100% assured in each neighborhood.
IX. Once resources are in place to deliver, newspapers and radios start and never stop the public service of making certain that 100% of mothers understand how important early English literacy skills are to their children. Today, if it is not promoted it is not important.

C. Principals will learn how to leverage the positive resources available to public education from the separation of church and state and the definition of the gift being an individual one-size-fits-one effort by a caring adult with a child before kindergarten. The power this love will project into the system is priceless.

Separation of the Faith-base and State Education is like the odd and even sides of a street. The neighborhood is stronger when both sides are vibrant and optimizing the positives. If you are effective, you want to use the positives from both sides of the street in the development of societal values. State and church should want to recognize common positive societal messages distinguished from the faith-base.
When individuals work one on one with other individuals and deliver early reading skills to age 3-6 children, as a societal imperative, the establishment clause can easily be addressed with very direct instructions to avoid the messages of creation, faith and forgiveness.
Our USA civil world might have started with the bible used in schools and the 10 commandments used in the city square, and the Fruits of the Spirit (love, compassion, hope, joy, faith and others, see Galatians 5: 22 to 26) being significant reasons for giving. But our civil life, in this USA, has morphed into the government playing a significant role. The bible has told us to expect just that! How simple is the conclusion that the USA society is no longer strictly biblically based and has found alternative foundations; because, in part, it has become more worldly-successful and diverse.

Especially Christians (a segment of the faith-base) see the separation, as a positive. Action on the basis of separation could very easily be the source of more positive USA growth for church and society. Christ instructed a large segment of the faith-base to not rely on the government. Rather we have an obligation, in spite of the government, to be in the mix and influence.
The source of a child’s worldly growth before age 6; is, first- things-first, an individual gift of early reading and language skills. Effective citizens must look to more than public education to provide the one-on-one gift to 100% of the age 3-6 at-risk children population. We have generally achieved separation in our neighborhoods. Recognize several responsibility and authority issues.
I. Diverse people, culture, character, values, opportunity, beliefs, morals, ethics, education, position, knowledge, money etc. all are plentiful in urban settings, by world standard.
II. Demonstrated unequal opportunity exists for individuals that can be mistaken for unequal opportunity for segments of society. Limits on individuals do not have to apply.

III. Under promoted expert understandings that early literacy education is a key to an individual’s future opportunity. And, promotion is getting more important all the time.
IV. Early literacy education of 3-6 year old children is a gift from one individual to another. This 100% gift giving process is not being addressed at the one-on-one levels for the poorest of the poor.
1. Some at risk children get the gift and do not fall behind and others don’t get the gift and are behind the rest of their life.
2. Disengagement is increasingly measurable and tied to age 3-6 literacy.
3. Additionally, disengagement triggers a high social cost for society, which has become a ROI target in an social economic sense.
4. Specific reliance on the private sector (non-government) to provide the gift through families and others has traditional support because it is an individual act best delivered one-size-fits-one.

V. Probable specific targets exist of which individual children are not getting the gift before kindergarten. There is communication technology to help manage the targeting.
VI. The existing need for giving an early start to the child is several years in front of the issues of separation between church and state education because of the offical kindergarten start.

VII. Public elementary school principals, already designed into the social system as a stop-gap, must be able to call on the effective citizens earlier (reach into the gift-giving world) to give the gift on an accountable basis. Only principals are positioned and vested to see and start the actions/rewards behind a 100% goal of ready to read English.
VIII. Effective citizens expect the messages of civility, morality, societal values, opportunity, early literacy, and sharing be sent by the public domain. What, why, who, when, where and how? In this setting of expectations and requirements a significant public domain burden has been placed on public education that, so far, has highlighted the shortcomings of gift-giving by individuals to whole segments of 3-6 year old children. Poor economic status, diversity and weak parent education makes it easy to confuse individual with group problems and solutions.

IX. The Faith-base and other effective citizens have made urban areas a mission field, without the funding to reach 100% of the children in the neighborhood. They will focus on 100%, especially when the principal asks for the help! Effective citizens know it is the gift of education that is the first-things-first act of self-preservation. Historians will make the case this is society’s private investment for its public return. No different than being certain all the children have been immunized before they enter kindergarten.

D. The money is available! A high level national discussion follows that can be reduced in levels to the state, region, county, school districts, and school. Each region requires the 1.) Self-funded special purpose communication and regional direction, 2.) Building of the Principal Network for Early Reading Delivery, 3.) Continuous ground level delivery of early reading skills to 100% of the age 3-6 children.

Starting with the conclusion you will reach at the end of this section about money. It is not about the money! There are enough resources, capacity and monies in the systems and communities to assure the proficiencies starting in grade 3. It is about the power controlling the focus of the money and whether a very small portion can be refocused to the 100 word goal to start the turnarounds. Those in power must see it in their best interest and must deal with the fear of change and the gain or loss of power. This is the rubber on the road.

The ultimate character network is a new group without any money. Progress at any group level is about concentrating self-interest and uniquely this plan does not create a new one. The consolidation or breakup of self-interest is about compromise and focus in front of the inevitable. The skill with which one reaches consolidation and compromise is the essence of small or big success or not. Acting on the 100 words focus will release a new wave of opportunity, growth and power. A powerful underserved customer population is driving public and private sector innovations because the sensitivity period to learning language is now setting the pace of learning; because it is possible.

The United States is on the world stage. The power the middle and upper class has and will give up for the next growth cycle is the next act to watch. It is not going anywhere fast until the most powerful can perceive secular growth from true freedom of speech and religion combined with the relative understandings of civility, ethics and morality. While our entire nation has been and is a demonstration of this growth, our next level of societal success might be located and measured in the urban neighborhoods one-size-fits-one in each community and urban elementary school. Once our most powerful focus on the security, increase in property values and consumer economic growth that will result, the change will happen quickly. Globalization's force is impacting us and could positively drive the changes in the cities.
Further discussion of 1 and 2 in the above heading will not serve a purpose here. The costs will pay-back in 1 year for the communications and 8 years for the network building. Local efforts are directly accountable for the return on investment in low risk processes.
Each principal must ultimately consider the early reading skills delivered at the ground level of this program at a cost of $5,000 per at risk child over a 2-year period. The communities wish to “bank on” 100% reading proficiency and it starts with this delivery and cost.

The street level delivery program has an estimated 16% internal rate of return justification. Most of the return occurs after elementary school so a consistent initial flow of funds to deliver the $5,000 must be appropriated, or gifted, or arrive in some combination of both to the principal. These numbers must be put into a total national perspective as follows.

Children entering kindergarten each year 4.8 million
40% at risk requiring intervention (max) 2.0 million
Per child cost at age 3-5 (two years) $5,000
Two year cost 10 billion dollars
One year cost 5 billion dollars
State of Minnesota cost for one year 165 million dollars
This has been further refined in the USA VALUES GIVE IT FORWARD RATIO ™

This money can be found for appropriation from:

1. The details of the present funding of K-12-NCLB when government recognizes many solutions to K-12 education can be delivered by early literacy before kindergarten. School change money and school innovation money is a possibility. However we owe it to the children and the principals to make this funding as easy as the first 100 words.

2. The 5 billion dollars above is less than the difference between NCLB law authorization and the annual amount appropriated in the federal budget process. In addition, money is available from the following federal department funds for communities with the faith-base being made noticeably eligible .
a. Justice
b. Education
c. Labor
d. Health and Human Services
e. Housing and Urban Development
f. Agriculture
In both 1. and 2. the supplemental education process could be used to make the funds available to principals and the networks doing the accountable delivery. The laws, funding streams and accountabilities already exist to accomplish this program.

3. This money could be delivered as a gift: -- It could be squeezed out of the budgeted federal, state and local funds by using a government expenditure assessment until the funds are made available within the line item budgets. Government payees would be structured into gifting ½ of 1% for this purpose. The fund established would also take voluntary tax-deductible dedicated gifts from other effective citizens who wanted to give.

Federal Government Funds and Grants 2002 1,900 billion dollars
State Funds estimated 600 billion dollars
County and city local funds estimated 300 billion dollars
Total - 2,800 billion dollars
½ of 1% assessment is (per year) 14 billion dollars

Before this assessment is rule out of bounds, recognize how small the amount is, relative to the total. It is a small funding issue for a Leadership that believes in quality and doing first things first in business and for K-12 public education. The laws already exist and supplemental federal funds for this outcome already exist at the state education level, but require policy change to be spent on children who will falll behind verse are behind. In fact, there is no good excuse for not using the money passed in the NCLB law for this purpose. The effective citizen truly believes they are already paying for quality and doing it right the first time so they expect government and education to rise to the challenge of NCLB and 100% accountability on a one-size-fits-one-basis. Most would agree with the Federal Reserve that there is a real ROI to Early Childhood Education.
4. Just to make the point complete, the money is there to do right things, first, for at risk children. Of the 2.8 trillion dollars spent in the public sector (2002), about 500 billion is spent on K-12 education in our nation. But we should take note of the rest of it. 2.6 trillion dollars in retail purchases. 3.8 trillion dollars in manufacturing purchases. And, a service industry larger than the manufacturing industry.

5. The principal needs the powerful effective citizen to give a simple funded direction to them to hold the hand of the “community customer” and do first things first. The principal must set up the Ultimate Character Network to deliver $5,000 of early literacy and civility skills per at risk child. The right first thing is defined, the accountability is in place, the use of present resources available needs this “small financial adjustment” to reach the at risk portion of the 100%.

E. ROI. This activity will be funded because it has adequate ROI.

The word is out via the work of Minnesota Federal Reserve Bank that Investing in Early Childhood Education gives future society a cost effective edge. Expect a return for your spending on early childhood education, most directly defined by the Federal Reserve as ready to learn (reduced to more of a pinpoint by USA VALUES-CDP to a very specific ready to read). See the December 2003 supplement- The ABCs of EDC. http://minneapolisfed.org/research/studies/earlychild/ABC-Part2.pdfA 16% internal rate of return expectation and a study of when and where the savings would apply to this commitment would conclude that we start now with the innovation. The Federal NCLB Act is a work in progress, and money is in the system to execute the innovations. The question for the urban public school principal is can he or she generate a savings, when 100% of the children starting school are ready to read, and what does the savings look like. Less special education; less behavior specialists; less remedial reading instruction; fewer failures to progress; less English as a second language; larger class sizes; can all be expected from 100% proficiency; more children in school.
The larger benefits do not even happen in the schools. The community should be prompting the principals to ask for help; and helping principals succeed. The principal now has a very large “measurable weight of fate” facing them each day in the community. They need help. Communities take time to define truth for age 3-6 children and effective citizens must believe basic cost of quality applies to education. Our consultant points to utility savings bonds issued by schools in the past when the energy waste was excessive and known to be eliminated by investments.

F. Back to innovation in the neighborhood, this program is to innovate and cause delivery of that gift for $2,500 per child per year for two years before kindergarten, in a way that it is ultimately funded within the present resources.

There are many one-size-fits-one showing as to how to pass the gift forward in a way our neighborhoods get it right (write) when write (right) matters the most. (Tongue in cheek, many experts teach writing as the first step to reading because it is logical to the child) Solutions are simple with individuals helping age 3-6 children in a one-size-fits-one process, because the powers in charge have asked for the help. It is true that some children are already behind at age 3 because they have not heard English spoken regularly, however, English sound recognition can generally be recovered after age 3 with the care and patience of reading simple stories to children. Real innovation will include:
1. Elementary school principals focus on age 3-6 children “first”
2. Gifts needed, not more government spending
3. Active private investments to save future public and private spending, sourced by the 2004 Job Creation Act.
4. Faith-base needed by public schools, not in public schools
5. Public school principals willing to direct the faith-based and others
6. Leap forward progress with the least resourced
7. Poverty learning issues, not Black, Indian, and Hispanic learners
8. Urban schools becoming the lighthouse for the nation
9. Civility presented as sound bite messages, opportunities actually solve race prejudices
10. Bonding source for improvement because the process starts the IRR and ROI expected.
11. Urban market values racing ahead because of the value of a diversified education
12. Communication critical, not facility critical
Our ground zero freedom in the USA and the one we project to the world is freedom of speech and it is just not true in our world of plenty unless everyone has it. The Elementary School Early Reading School Change gets funding from …(see section 5)… and delivers from the following resources built into local one-size-fits-one networks.

All present childcare and preschool delivery systems
National Service organizations
Local Service Organizations
Local fire departments
Local Library Resources
Barnes and Nobel Spaces
McDonalds Spaces
Extra capacity has to be created within the local childcare industry and the local churches
The collection of resources, rules, laws, risks, power, status, education that hold us back from confidently giving a gift to pass forward is worldly and powerful. The pulls to first take care of our family, and ourselves, to have more and more, are powerful. But issues are now aligned so that the gift to 100% of the age 3-6 children is the right first thing first action. Reviewing Romans 12, leading into Romans 13:8 to10, and spirited with Galatians 5:22 to 26, comforts many to give the gift of love and peace without being in the loops of worldly power. This capacity to give can be called forth; by the powers in charge of every community. It is the only way 100% of at-risk children will be taught in time to matter. Mother Teresa was proof positive that love is fully respected as a power by the worldly powers. See page 189-192 of ALL I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN, by Robert Fulghum. This is a call to secular civility, ethics and taking care of first things first for our own benefit, using the Faith-base in the principals judgement if required.

G. Clarity of purpose will prevail because it will be clearly stated by the effective citizens. Today, citizens can pick whatever exception they wish to be public about, without reference to the Truth, Gift, Goal and the Focus that is important to effective public decision making. The point of doing first things first with limited resources is what being effective is all about.

The effective citizens with the power are being asked to share it with this program. It starts by sending the message that opportunity is there for the taking if the child does not fall behind in the acquisition of literacy skills. Also,
· One-on-one gift is required, it is not government work.
· Education science has defined the literacy gap that needs to be filled.
· One-size-fits-one means early literacy is achieved one child at a time, but the prescription for its achievement is varied to meet the requirement, by the initiative of the giver.
Freedom of speech (the power) is based on literacy, and all the other messages of civility make sense in a freedom context. When the powerful give opportunity in the USA, they are doing it with an expectation of undefined growth, but faithfully expect peace and security.
Under the banner of being ready to read English going into kindergarten there are:
· Sounds recognition of the English letters
· Writing skills
· Three letter word reading skills
· Listening skills (comprehension) to understand the words of a 6 year old (in English).
There are at least four sets of messages that are appropriate for children age 3-6. Children receive messages by listening to stories that adults read or tell. We, like others, have story lists available uinder the headings of Honesty, Friendship, Work and Respect.
The very powerful effective citizens that influence the institutions that make up the community quality of life are going to state for the record that this simple banner of messaging must be delivered to children age 3-6. This has already been said by the federal government laws created for the recovery of at-risk children starting in kindergarten (NCLB). Having been said by the federal government as it relates to K-12 education does no justice to the real true gap created before kindergarten.
Worldwide action to create literacy is suggested by a very powerful body of volunteers. -- The 9-11 Commission Report, on page 377, defines “the agenda of opportunity for the world to be literacy as freedom.” The Most powerful citizens in the USA should make good on this promise to age 3-6 children. If this were done, world leadership would be assured, because our middle class would grow faster and provide a new round of markets and opportunities for the world. We are close, the powerful must make an earnest request of those in position to manage and give the gift. The gift required to fill the gap per year is less than .25% of trailing Retail Sales and Manufaacturing Shipments based on census data. http://www.usavalues-character.org/References/Census_at_risk2.htm

So who is the power? The following regional collaboration, with neighborhood networks driven by principals would not be denied.
Who ........................................Source of Power
Effective Citizens .....Savings and Taxes
Faith-base .......Purpose Driven Life
Race and diversity experts ........Growth and opportunity to learn (OTL)
Defined ready to read ..........Growth and OTL
Preschool .......Growth and OTL
Daycare .........Growth and OTL
Childcare .........Growth and OTL
Understanding and training networks .........Growth
Individual gift givers ..........Growth
Universities ..........Growth
Colllege/ adult service organizations ...........Growth
PTA et. al .........Secular character to start OTL
Teachers ........OTL
Principals ..........OTL
Superintendents ..........OTL and Taxes
School Boards .........OTL and Taxes
Regional Education ..........OTL
State Education ...........OTL and Taxes
Federal Education ..........OTL and Taxes
County ..........Savings and Taxes
City ...........Savings and Taxes
Business, Industry and Service Quality ..........Sharing, Savings and Taxes
Business, Industry and Customer Service focus ..........Sharing, Savings and Taxes
All Organizations Human Resources ........ Sharing, Saving, Taxes

II.D. The hypothetical parameters being created for further study
1. Entire communities of effective citizens can be motivated to fully and joyfully serve the underserved age 3-6 child by fully understanding the First 100 words.

2. 100% of children 3-6 years old going into kindergarten can recognize 26 of 44 English sounds; read 300-500 three letter words; recognize the images and sounds of 2000-5,000 English words spoken.

3. A specific list of words and stories can be used to start the character building of honesty, friendship, work, respect and others.

4. The nature of the facilities being used to reach and teach the child, can be those already available, and would include libraries and places open to supervised child movement.

5. 100% Ready to Read English going into kindergarten will validate adequate resources exist in K-3 environments to score 100% proficient or better in the AYP tests in grade 3.

6. 100% Ready to Read English will generate loyalty and mutual respect in the community. A significant gift; given will not be forgotten by child, parent or significant other.

7. Principals can be assisted into managing the community network that delivers the above innovation, a part time principal assistant and a part time early reading collaborator is required for each 100 children. This investment will have a measurable return. These positions become invaluable to the schools formal outreach to the community.
8. Using Marginal Activity Cost of the Language Development Activity Cost Generator the school and community will validate the lower cost due to an early start to language skills. A start that actually frees up teaching and behavior resources in grades 3-6 to apply to teaching prior to grade 3.
9. Accountability defines the elementary school as the platform to launch an opportunistic return on investment for the community.

II.E. Several Points of Operating Concern
1. Will principals be willing to ask communities for help in such a detailed intervention. Will they be willing to go to the Faith-base, among others, for this help.

2. Will the Early Reading Coordinator have adequate insight into the life of the child to assign the child the right level of intervention and support at age 31/2.

3. Will the basic Montessori method of teaching writing and reading work without the traditional Montessori children’s house environment? Can the volunteer adult teach writing and reading to one child in 100 hours per year for two years. This question is poised from the social-culture-budget perspective. Libraries, Schools, Churches, YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, and others with children areas are seen as logical places besides the home to deliver the gift. Will they be adequate?
This is the Language Sensitive Period Description:

......................................................Year 1…………....... Year 2…………........

Age ..............2.5 ...............3 ........3.5....... 4........ 4.5............ 5 ...........5.5............... 6
Spoke language
...............................Name of objects, exercises and materials
..............................Conversations Discussions
...............................Stories, Poems, Music
......................................................Vocabulary and Name Lessons
.....................................................................................Use of the LeapPad
.....................................................................................for Vocabulary
.......................................................Metal Insets Shading Designs
.......................................................Preparation of the hand Writing letters sounds
.......................................................Sandpaper Letters, Moveable Alphabet
Reading Books
..............................Sandpaper letters
................................................................................... Functions of words

Math, Practical Life and Sensorial Experiences are not specifically addressed in the mentoring activity set.

4. How will technology be used to help the Early Reading Colaborator operate with the volunteers and parents?

5. Will adequate numbers of volunteers become available for the process? How easy will it be to require the 2-up teaming so that nobody is left alone crossing the street?

6. What effect does principal, family and child mobility have on the expectations?

7. Will the LeapFrog- LeapPad prove to be the English language vocabulary source of choice for the children and volunteers.
8. Will kindergartens be able to effectively pick up the child’s learning where 200 hours of individual attention ends?
9. How effective will the base records created for each child be in the transition to Kindergarten?

III. Personnel and Experts
the school change model will have research teams that collectively demonstrate functional expertise: (a) in education finance, leadership, or management (areas relevant to the proposed systemic strategy); (b) working with schools, districts, or other education delivery organizations; and, (c) in implementation of and analysis of results from the research design that will be employed.
Functional Experts:
Management and finance
Working schools and districts
Reading and Montessori experts
Vocabulary experts
Anticipated social work
Public and media relations
Preschools, Daycare, and Home based childcare
Institutional research, communication, training
Marginal activity cost
Bonding and federal funding
Change management
The model for school change will have access to institutional resources that adequately support research activities and access to education delivery settings in which to conduct the research.
A Regional University
School boards and districts etc.
Federal, state, county and city governments
CDP action planning and leadership of applied changes
National and community businesses
Faith-base and age 3-6 child organizations

IV. Resources to Deliver the Development and
Future Research Regarding Effectiveness.

The Institute of Education Sciences anticipates that operations with successful development projects would submit proposals to subsequent competitions for Goal Three (Efficacy) awards. Thus, Goal Two applicants should be aware that the type of data (e.g., correlational, quasi-experimental) they propose to collect under Goal Two awards should be preparing them to apply for Goal Three awards.

The Institute recognizes that correlational data or pre-test post-test designs or design experiments do not permit the conclusion that the intervention is effective. However, the purpose of the Development goal is to provide funds to develop interventions that on the basis of the theoretical rationale and relevant empirical evidence appear to have the potential to increase student achievement and to collect preliminary data that would permit a reasonable evaluation of whether or not the intervention has sufficient potential to merit further investment.
Tom Wolfgram
Executive Director of USA VALUES-CDP

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