Ultimate Character Education Network
Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.
The Gift, Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 2, 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want opportunities, choices and engagement.
See also http://www.usavaluescoupons.com
September 30, 2007
Helping Schools develop new money sources
September 29, 2007
Outer Ring Suburbs Helping Those Most AT-Risk of Not Being Ready to Read Starting Kindergarten
Click on image to enlarge for review
Using an exclusive postcard pack to deliver an exclusive retail offer to the most exclusive homes in a territory is basic business. This package will ask the retailer to be loyal to the community addressing the most at-risk being ready to read to start kindergarten. For all the good reasons including increasing sales, new customers and customer retention. It will also carry free to these households an appeal by USA VALUES-CDP to go on line and help on a designated basis the community trying to reach 100% of the children one size fits one.
The deals in the package will speak for themselves so that the package is actually looked for by the residents of the exclusive homes. A brand will be built. Ringing Advantages- Early Reading Skills Delivered.

September 23, 2007
Creating an Acceptable Just Do It Public Charity for the Delivery Of Early Reading Skills to the Most At-Risk Children in a Defined Area
There is a real story of an executive who just pays for early learning when Mom's ask for it. He acts like a public charity through community organizations but does not, as best as I know it, register himself as a public charity. You see his gifts are "above the laws". His definition of at-risk is "above the law". His definition of 100% of the children is "above the law". Just like how Mom and Dad deliver Early Reading Skills with an undefined curriculum at age 3-6 is mostly up to them, ("above the law"). The gift is the delivery, "funded" by Mom and Dad or an effective citizen. Because the child is either left without and even start or has an even startbecause of the delivery gift.
This is an example of what USA VALUES-CDP could do with designated gifts for one-on- one deliveries. Written discussion with Harris Rosen is included in the next several postings.
His outline of how he thinks and does is most important and hopefull forthcoming. USA VALUES-CDP can be given to communities who are committed to delivering Early Reading Skills under certain conditions so it can stay very small and very responsive to the charge of just giving early reading skills and character understanding of opportunity when requested by effective citizens.
Included is a PDF of what others have to report
regarding the TangeloPark Project. It has been on going since 1994 or so.
Harris Rosen and TangeloPark
September 22, 2007
Time requested from Harris Rosen to formulate his attitude into USA VALUES-CDP
USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-0769
15066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202
Maple Grove, MN 55311 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, MN 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
June 19, 2007
Dear Harris Rosen
Based on what has been sent over the past 45 days and what follows in this listing I request that we arrange a three day access to the workings of the Tangelo Park Project for myself and an associate organizer.
This would include a 3/4 day meeting with you after a full day visit of the project and its community. USA VALUES is mostly an open book on the web at
http://www.usavalues-character.org and http://ulticharnetwork.blogspot.com/. We welcome your organizations review. From this effort we can determine if a business plan for USA VALUES-CDP and the Tangelo Park Project replication could and should be jointly developed.
Our visit would validate the product line that delivers early reading skills and character development for the likes of, Tangelo Park Program, Others in Orlando, Neighbors Inc. and the Garlough Collaborative. The product line is to be marketed to both givers and users within the likes of “Tangelo Park’s Ultimate Character Networks”. These networks start from organizations like The Tangelo Park Program Inc., Tangelo Park Civic Association, Tangelo Park Baptist Church, Tangelo Park YMCA, the Tangelo Park Elementary School and other agencies. The givers and the users will have already been working with a purpose that can be substituted for these 100 Words of Purpose and then a brand for public awareness.
The Truth-- Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten. The Gift-- Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the building block to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want the opportunities, choices and engagement. The Focus-- The metro principals and the schools are vested in 100% of the children starting kindergarten ready to read.
Can our two efforts be combined to generate funds, sell and deliver (through effective community citizens) early reading skills to at-risk children in the local community? The target is: “Reaching those that deliver Early Reading Skills today but do not focus on 100% coverage of at-risk children before kindergarten. These targets know all about what they are not doing and are waiting for new money to arrive for new deliveries. They are not comfortable with 100% goals to be delivered by themselves, the public and the foundation sectors. It is really quite simple, but delivery must be made close to home in a comfortable setting, one size fits one.
Who are our contacts and what assets do we have to work with? I bet your list is stronger than mine. These people will help us if we have a creditable backbone with your support and effort.
1. xxxxxxxxxx, Tom Wolfgram and the content owned by USA VALUES, Inc.
2. USA VALUES, Inc. ($650,000 spent)
3. USA VALUES-CDP Demonstration ($450,000 spent)
4. Ultimate Character Network Design
5. Peaceful Heights Montessori School
With the demonstrated basic delivery of Early Reading Skills, grace and courtesy
6. The Effective Citizen Community Around the Montessori School (Kiwanis, Lions and Churches)
7. The Apartments and Trailer Resorts within 2 miles of 375 Marie Ave East
In West St. Paul, MN
8. Rosen Private Hotel Chain
9. Tangelo Park Demonstration ($7 Million Spent)
Unique money applied one size fits one
A Community Commitment
A public school principal
Head Start
10. Roots and Foundation in The International Drive Setting of Orlando Florida
11. Roots and Foundation in the area around 375 Marie Ave. East and West St. Paul
12. Roots and Foundation in the gift described in Philippians, Galatians, Ephesians, Romans, John and 1st John
13. The Alliance Card Technology and Service Organizations -- xxxxxxxxx
14. E-Group Sales Premium and Promotion skill sets – xxxxxxx and xxxxxxx
15. Service clubs who need more members and money to make higher tech impacts with lower tech basics
16. Foundation of developed products that deliver (with and interested adult work) ERS and Character to age 3 to grade 3 children
17. Disney Characters of Opportunity, Imagination and Determination
18. Access to all the caring adults we need
19. Access to all the business street salesmen we need
20. W&C Printing and Loyalty to Delivering Reading Skills
21. Gary Heil – Speaker with ability to discuss the one-size-fits-one era
22. xxxxxxxxxxxx – Possible investor and president of USA VALUES, inc.
23. xxxxxxxxxx – Possible technology and print broker advisor
24. xxxxxxxxx – Possible local sales process advisor
25. John Hottinger – Possible state level political advisor
26. Chuck Slocum – Possible business and effective citizen advisor
27. xxxxxxxxxxx - Possible Faith Base consultant
28. Need Sales and Marketing Executive
29. Need Principal, Super and a City Mayor County leader and ther boards
30. Need Higher Tech and basic —Leapfrog LeapPad ™ for vocabulary
31. Need a relationship with the work of fight crime.org
32. Need a relationship with the work of Prek Now, Ready4K, MNBEL and MELF and many others (I hope they see us as overly simplistic)
33. The organized work of the Disney Family Story Collection, Books of Virtue, Chicken Soup, many books of children stories and literature, and the often repeated messages of opportunity and achievement
34. The Purpose Driven Life and why it will take giving in the lead.
35. Freedom at its core is defined as Literacy by the 911 commission (on page 377) which must be delivered to the world’s at-risk population if society is going to get to the next step. The USA has those who have sacrificed their lifetime to project this freedom to the world. All the service clubs are looking for new meaning.
36. Elmer Koch Retired Executive Director of the Minnesota Elementary School Principals Association
37. Dr. Joanne Buggy, Retired Professor of Education at the University of Minnesota
38. Odell Bjerkness, Retired Executive Director of the Concordia Language Camps in Minnesota
39. Bonnie Hermann, soon to retire, Public School Teacher
40. Elementary School Principals Statement of what Principals should know and be able to do. Leading Early Childhood Learning Communities.
41. Harris Rosen --- The Rosen School of Applied Imagination using
Characters of Opportunity, Imagination and Determination
Thomas D. Wolfgram
September 21, 2007
How to get the marketing done! Is this a business?
From: Tom Wolfgram [twolfgram@wcprinting.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:40 AM
To: Mr. Harris Rosen (Hrosen@RosenHotels.com); Tina Ashton (tashton@rosenhotels.com)
Subject: How to get the marketing done! Is this a business?
USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-0769
15066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202
Maple Grove, MN 55311 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
Dear Mr. Rosen:
What – We need to make a business out of the public knowledge that understanding the 100 words and delivering Early Reading Skills to age 3-6 children are critical to each child and each communities success. This has been fairly said in past letters.
Why - This is all over the current discussions of what communities must do.
Who do we target-- There are the providers presently delivering early reading skills in the community who must also focus on the 100% target to optimize the benefits. There are the teachers and schools who benefit from this achievement. There is a need for economic leadership to give the gift one-size-fits-one-first-things-first to reach the bottom half of the bottom. There is the need to generate the match of the gift with state and federal money so the gift is properly leveraged and sustained with “new money”.
When – is start now.
Where --is Northern Dakota County and West St. Paul, Minnesota, and we hope, the City of Orlando, Florida starting with Tangelo Park.
How -- Need a brand to work under, need a noise maker that is a public service and more, but this BRAND needs to be owned in the private sector so it can be sustained community by community within the local economy. This is where the “public problem” is taken on by the private sector so adequate public knowledge is instilled and SUSTAINED in the far majority of the citizens. Once started there is no reason to stop.
A. Reaching those who would be most effective if they seeded the giving of early reading skills to 100% of the children before kindergarten can be an economic activity as easy as not. It has not been considered a private sector domain in the past because economic effectiveness and prosperity was not linked to age 3-6 child development.
• Service Clubs attention
• Local Business attention
• Local Business advertiser
B. Reaching those that deliver Early Reading Skills Today but do not focus on 100% coverage before kindergarten. These targets know all about it and are waiting for new money to arrive for new deliveries. They are not comfortable with 100% goals to be delivered by the public sector. It is similar to the process of inoculation for age 1-5 children. Inoculation of 100% would not happen without the private sector. Our economy depends on inoculations, so they do happen.
• Loyalty Program Proposals
• Premium, Promotion, Incentives and Sponsorship Proposals
Is this a business? If you can build a business on Money Mailer, ValPak, Home Deliveries, Save on Everything, Local News you can build a business on Delivering Early Reading Skills- Ringing Advantages. If business can lobby for mass transit and more airports and more roads we can lobby to match a private gift with money already in the system.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
September 20, 2007
Private Public leverage and why 80% will support it!
From: Tom Wolfgram [twolfgram@wcprinting.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 6:30 AM
To: Tina Ashton (tashton@rosenhotels.com); Mr. Harris Rosen (Hrosen@RosenHotels.com)
Subject: Private Public leverage and why 80% will support it!
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
June 3, 2007
Dear Mr. Harris Rosen: This private / public effort.
A base premise would guide us (say 100 words) to agree on collaborations worthy of combined giving and delivery efforts. Lets draft this premise from the following start:
The Truth Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten.
The Gift Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the bottom half of the bottom half (most at risk, poorest of the poor) to want the opportunities, choices and engagement.
The Focus When 100% of the children start kindergarten ready to read English the urban school has the resources to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of No Child Left Behind. The principal is vested in 100% of the children starting kindergarten ready-to-read.
Discussion of the 100 words Many important citizen league issues are addressed when the community commits to giving the gift of early literacy, one-size-fits-one, to its collective self. The gift is ethical, moral, proven economic, and better than an expansion of government.
Pre-K Child Development (ready-to-read)
Fewer Special Education Needs
School Performance and Accountability
Urban Race Relations, and Segregated School Populations
Urban Generational Poverty
Urban Economic Development (make a 16% internal rate of return investment)
Who will pay! Who is paying now? Taxed effective citizens are paying now. Often they are paying to a system that fails the most at risk children so the money does nothing for the future. Today’s children, Tomorrow’s Future™
80% support is expected because it is so basic; it deals with delivering to children age 3-6 that which is ethical and important; with seed giving of designated money for direct local efforts; supported by a match of federal and state money that already exists but is not reaching age 3-6 children. Effective citizens have the seed money. Effective citizens are paying now with, taxes, remediation, safety, and security. Any effective citizen will pay to do it right the first time. Again, this is the question of if not me, who?; if not now, when?
Space The space is available, It is everywhere between the hours of 8-11:30 and 1:30 to 4:30. Look at McDonalds, libraries, churches, Social Service Networks (YMCA), the apartments that many children live within. Cities, police and fire already have their eyes on the apartments with the most at-risk children.
Time 2 hours per week 100 hours per year for 2 years (200 hours) is more time than the task of delivering early reading skills is given in a Montessori classroom. Mobility of the hand based materials is solved so the process can proceed anywhere that 2 adults and one child can be comfortable and attentive to each other.
Money Generally it is a good time to be effective in the USA. We prove time and again that 20 billion dollars at the federal level and a prorata portion of that at the state level based on population is affordable. Start by seeding 2/3rds of that with 1/3 giving. (1=3)
1. Tax Free Repatriated Earnings for investing in high quality jobs
2. Manufacturing Producer tax credits
3. Removal, with S-corps and LLC’s most of the
double taxation of smaller business earnings.
4. Lowest corporate rates, ever
5. Lowest dividend and capital gains rates, ever
6. Lowest estate tax rates, ever
7. Public service jobs now pay as well or more than private sector jobs.
I believe the road to the middle class is the best in the world, and we invest in ourselves when we help people travel this road. Our most effective citizens know we have the discretionary money to make these investments in age 3-6 children. The focus on the age 3-6 child is critical to the 80% support. If we can have private public efforts on airport development we can also have this metro development. It is the 21st century for the next 92.5 years. This proposed model would leverage what you have demonstrated and represent with authority and expectation of success.
1. Friends Families and neighbors
2. Childcare improvement to be ready to read
3. Part time jobs for mothers
4. College Nannies, and Childcare Servers
5. Curriculum, needs only 8-12 hours of introduction and then experience
6. Many adults are already delivering early reading skills to the children.
(50% done before we start)
7. Mom or the significant adult is always with the child. (Always)
Private Public Funding is strictly a local effort (much like yours) but calls on the state and federal to match and boost the effective citizens giving. Accountability rests with the effective citizen groups. The result is the schools performance takes off and the community knows they did it for themselves. They raised new money, and channeled old money to a new focus and purpose.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
Continuing with the USA VALUES, Inc. business and why results can be expected with this strategy.
From: Tom Wolfgram [twolfgram@wcprinting.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2007 7:36 AM
To: Tina Ashton (tashton@rosenhotels.com); Mr. Harris Rosen (Hrosen@RosenHotels.com)
Cc: Dan Trainor III (dtrainor3@wcprinting.com)
Subject: Continuing with the USA VALUES, Inc. business and why results can be expected with this strategy.
USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-0769
15066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202
Maple Grove, MN 55311 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
May 20, 2007
Dear Mr. Harris Rosen:
These are private developments to bring the public problem, as a opportunity, into the private sector of the community.
100 words of Purpose:
The Truth-- Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten. The Gift-- Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the building block to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk to want the opportunities, choices and engagement. The Focus-- The metro principals and the schools are vested in 100% of the children starting kindergarten ready to read.
There are special purpose publishers of advertising all over each community with successful brands much weaker than the above. The above brand must be created.
Many Many others
Food store, Target and Wal-Mart on the back of the receipts is also a relevant model of messaging. The rank and file business that must advertise for the “last mile” connection is the customer target. So USA VALUES, Inc. provides media for the local business and the messages repeat constantly on the basis of advertising and sponsorship economics.
They are:
Early Reading skills delivered age 3-6 is a new requirement for success
This learning is much easier at age 3-6 than later
100% ready is required by the schools, 100% has always been a integral part of quality
First things First has always been a integral part of quality
Ethically some get the gift, some miss the gift.
Hard to see any benefits from the missed gift. Kids pay again for parent’s miss?
Sooner the better. If not you, who? If not now, when?
Fight Crime Invest in Kids
Huge ROI
Invest in kids, to boost Residential Real Estate Values. Apartments First!
Support everyone who wishes to deliver early reading skills to children, no limits.
Private Public issues
Positively -- Once this communication becomes legitimate and a self starting entrepreneur makes it happen in a community there is no end to the grass roots bottoms up effort that can catch on. It will become viral through the effective citizen. Untested, but deep in my beliefs are 1) that over 80% of the population considers itself effective, and 2) somewhat tested, over 80% of the population exposed to the above 100 words and the 100% concepts of quality achievement get it. So if they are to remain effective in their own minds they will do something given the first things first least expensive best investment choice, if they are constantly exposes. There are many citizens who will be able to see this opportunity as a purpose for life in private or public service.
Negatively – Business and the effective citizen are most interested in direct results from designated gifts, now. Governments, Schools and Non-profits are interested in more general support with less specific goals than 100% ready to read at kindergarten and 100% proficient at the end of 3rd grade. Nothing makes them work together. What it really takes first things first over 10-20 years has just not been widely demonstrated yet, except, of course in the suburban communities and isolated schools. Many are now watching and measuring and causing gaps by exercising choice and earlier efforts starting very early in the life of their child. The bottom half of the bottom half remains without a clue to the time sensitive period, without the real help delivered by the highly respected "Good Samaritan" or Mother Teresa.
Via repeated public comment and question -- If not you, who? If not now, when? This company use the messages to set up action on the part of the local effective citizen in support and collaboration with government and schools . I will write later about Private Public Leverage to the needed $175 million per year in Minnesota and the $600 million per year needed in Florida. Nationally it is only $15 to $20 billion per year and locally it is $3,000 per at risk child per year for two years.
Tom Wolfgram
More on Leveraging the TangeloPark results.
From: Tom Wolfgram [twolfgram@wcprinting.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 6:20 AM
To: Tina Ashton (tashton@rosenhotels.com); Mr. Harris Rosen (Hrosen@RosenHotels.com)
Subject: More on Leveraging your results.
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
May 25, 2007
When we talk about organizations that will be used to deliver Early Reading Skills, Simple Math and Social Skills to age 3-6 children we are generally talking about not-for-profits that already have the mission but do not have the deliver mechanism funded or are not up to scale for the community. Every community needs one or two to lead the delivery show and mobilize others. The one or two should take on a “business” segment of effort that looks like http://ulticharnetwork.blogspot.com/ . Your program has many collaborating organizations. Your documents suggest the CAB, the Civic Association, the Baptist Church, the YMCA, the Elementary School supported others to deliver. It seems the Family Service Center is what we would call the Ultimate Character Network. I will ask to spend more time understanding this exactly.
These organizations are accountable to designated gifts and are all about giving the gift in an accountable way to 100% of the children before they start kindergarten. Any child will not stand still to get the gift twice so money can not be wasted in this manner. If, for example, 50% of the children in a public school area are already getting the gift some portion of the new deliveries can be made with new money being spent with parents who are already giving the gift privately to their children. Parents who care can be boosted with delivery strategies supported with new money. If we are going to get to 100% of the kids, the bottom 20% of the 100% will need to be delivered from the least structured but most intensive set of resources.
So in the end the not-for-profits (there are very many of these) who “collaborate so well” cover 100% of the children with the intentions and actions of delivering early reading skills one size fits one to 100% of the children who start kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers and law enforcement will help point to the children. They get it! One could say there are too many organizations to collaborate with but that would not be in the effective citizen’s best interest. Each location has to search its heart of not-for-profits and understand how it has historically served families and children and yet allow the children to start kindergarten not ready to read. This “next step in development” is all about if not me or you, who? And if not now, when? Finding 100% of the children at age 3 is not the problem. Seeing them as import is the issue. Given all the money that is spent one wonders how this is still missed but the powerful have started to see where they want to spend the new money. So the glass is half full. I think the powerful are saying show me how the new money will get to the kids most at risk, before they give the next level of gifts.
You know all this. Where do the organizations get the new money? We can help with USA VALUES-CDP.
Those delivering organizations are not USA VALUES-CDP. USA VALUES-CDP is a public charity (501c3) with a design to jumpstart the delivery of 1/3 of the money needed on a large scale. The product line on this site is adjustable so that the materials meet the requirement of the delivery organizations. The materials on this site are Montessori based, and digested so they can be delivered one size fits one by a high school educated adult who cares. The materials can be expanded to meet the local needs. The site can be duplicated to meet the local needs. 2/3rds of the money discussion comes later.
So there is a not-for-profit business plan being built around http://www.usavalues-character.org . Without regard to parent, friend, family or neighbor, childcare, preschool or school, those who wish to deliver early reading skills can by using this site as a resource. USA VALUES-CDP has one major sponsor http://www.wcprinting.com/ who will share revenue and support the wholesale operation side of product delivery. Additionally, that one sponsor has created http://www.printsmartforreading.com/ to share revenue using it’s online printing site http://www.printsmart4u.com/ . This sponsorship is created to help grow the online marketplace by connecting/leveraging the printing dollar to early reading. This is a demonstration, many other corporate expense dollars can be leveraged this way.
The leverage to early reading of this willingness to share revenue on three levels has only just started. The three levels are; 1) Wholesale operation of a online retail product site for the benefit of USA VALUES-CDP; 2) Large Company Sponsorships; and 3) Service Group Sponsorships.
Obviously this needs the support of the most powerful, as soon as possible.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
September 19, 2007
Thanks and activation
From: Tom Wolfgram [twolfgram@wcprinting.com]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:31 AM
To: Tina Ashton (tashton@rosenhotels.com); Mr. Harris Rosen (Hrosen@RosenHotels.com)
Subject: Thanks and activation
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street http://www.usavalues-character.org/
Winona, Minnesota 55987 twolfgram@wcprinting.com
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
May 9, 2007
Dear Mr. Harris Rosin:
Thank you for your kindness and attention in meeting with me. The energy you have put into your effort is very impressive and makes me imagine that the GIFT OF EARLY READING SKILLS can be delivered innovatively to 100% of the children before they start kindergarten. This gift, then used by the community and education to create opportunity, achievement, success and sharing will allow them to exceed expectations.
I pray that you will continue to be kind to the thought that we should find a way to work together. I will need to sell you on something of a matrix. A matrix of giving and economics and capacities that will sustain duplicate and expand the generation of outcomes you are demonstrating at Tangelo Park. Needless to say you are a pioneer, and I hope you will see a place for the special purpose public charity with a mission of early reading and character development.
You know all these nine matrix elements that create the positive expectation. There must be 100 ways to say this.
1. It is a gift under all conditions, delivered one size fits one.
2. Delivery is a first things first development for the child and the community.
3. 100% delivery coverage within a location is required to benefit the community and the schools the most.
4. Principals, effective citizens, teachers and community are all vested in a positive change that can be possible and even probable.
5. The light can be shown with a simple public service message delivered by self sustained economics and sponsorships designed to inspire giving.
6. A special purpose charity can leverage the inspiration of new gift giving in exchange for new deliveries without excess cost.
7. The ultimate character network already exists in each location and only needs to focus a portion of its attention to first things first to execute the new delivery.
8. The focus is on new resources for new deliveries best delivered by designated gifts leverage up by state and federal funds.
9. Attitudes dictates the capacity to do this from every element that exists in the communities. Small is okay.
The space occupied in any community by the above matrix is as strong as the gift of Early Reading Skills delivered. One person such as yourself can deliver the gift (new money, new delivery, new opportunity) that binds the location; or the public service message can be so clearly and simply stated by groups of people like you and yours that the gifts comes from those who consider themselves effective. This could be the leverage of your giving spirit across the land but centered from Orlando.
Humbly allow me to use six or seven letters of this nature that pull together and plug into what you have created. I beg that you consider this an opportunity to spread your demonstration and we can conclude this with a decision of sorts based on a plan of action of sorts that can will create the possible and even make it probable, at least in Northern Dakota County, Minnesota and say 10 other sites.
Attending to the element of college scholarships is beyond me for now. But we need graduation celebration in the processes of motivation, inspiration, recognition and activation. So again I ask that you stay open to the immediate activations of constant flows of children, mentors and parents to your area in celebration and recognition that the child is reading at 3rd grade level as soon as they achieve this level but no later than the end of third grade. This trip for the child can be made to be very special and individually supportive of the future by your organization and the many attractions around Orlando.
We wish you the best.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
PS. I am including several related files for reference.
January 2005
May 2005
September 2007
October 2007
February 2008
September 2008
December 2009
August 2013
September 2013